Monday, February 14, 2011

Expressing emotions.

Here is a tutoralin image form. :3 from My deviant art account.. when i find the word file with it on I will copy and paste that here instead.. in the mean time.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

In a Fight against Mary Sues.

EDIT: this post has become redundant since DA deleted these wonderful articles because of new laws they put in place about using extracts from other works and since the articles use extracts from bad fan fiction to show their point.. they were destroyed. It was very sad.

I came across this Great series of Deviant Art articles on the subject of avoiding your character becoming a mary sue.

they are brilliant. read them. now.

I think if one reads this, with the ideas of good character development in mind. it can be really helpful.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Taking it in.

I feel rather sheepish that I have not really written since my last explosion of posts. The reason being, I do have a multitude of tutorials saved from which i wrote and would like to re-post but they are buried at the moment, in my external hard drive which is packed away. So instead I would like to briefly talk about something which is generally common sense, but important, and because of its importance, I believe it should be stated no mater how obvious it is.

Today I want to take about the importance of really taking notice of the world around you. As an artist or a writer  you are really reconstructing what you know and experience into something new to be experienced by others. It may be a situation, a feeling, a sunset, anything really. Even when we create from imagination, our imagination is using our past experiences to help construct the new imagined thing.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Dog Sketches

While I am at my parents i am taking the opportunity to practice my dog drawing skills as I have two adorable live models.

one of which is incredibly camera shy (she runs when she sees a camera because she doesn't like flashes) so these sketches are all speed sketches, drawing them as they walk around, sit and play.

I find these types of sketches very helpful for learning and practising to draw. you get a feel for things and it is easier to draw them from your mind's eye later on.

Character Development: Character Roles, Relationships and Personality

Character creation and development happens to be my one favourite creative activity. It is something that overlaps the writing and art world, and I can spend hours on it. Which is why, not surprisingly I have many original characters. But I still love creating more, and the wonderful thing about characters is that with enough imagination there are endless possibilities of what you can create.

This Blog entry focuses on the questions you should ask yourself when deciding the role, personality and relationships of a character and how that relates to plot.

Sunday, December 6, 2009


I have decided it is about time I had a proper art blog which was not bogged down with personal dramas. somewhere where I could post what I was doing, project wise. without the temptation or history of whining about past flatmates. something which my old live journal account is full of since I started it in my teens.

This is not a blog about my life. but a blog for me to post about my interests, and projects. I have no delusions about how many people will read it. It will probably only be me. but it is still an outlet I want to have.

The name is from my old "description" on an art site which has since closed down. I feel it elegantly represents my persona. my love of fae folk lore and animals, as well as alluding to my novel projects.